SmartMesh Weekly Report (2019.12.23-2019.12.27)

On Christmas Day, Chairman of the SmartMesh Foundation, Mr. Henry Wang, accepted the offer to become a Technical Committee member of a Provincial Software Engineering Technology Research Center to help promote the relevant progress of the provincial world integration project, which will further enrich the SmartMesh ecosystem. On the 26th, the leaders of the Investment Promotion Bureau of a certain city’s economic development zone visited SmartMesh to communicate about the cooperation of related projects in the blockchain industrial park. The SmartMesh team also conducted joint adjustment and system testing with distributed communications with companies planning to participate in the Singapore Government Blockchain Interoperability Competition. SmartMesh is becoming the leader in the blockchain industry to build the world’s first Internet infrastructure that is completely based on the value of distributed connections, distributed storage, distributed computing, and decentralized communications.

Here is the specific work for this week:

1. Spectrum public chain:

1.1 Implemented storage management with reference to cosmos. The persistent design of the application layer is performed.

1.2 Study the conditional constraint management model implemented by cosmos.

  1. Photon optimization related work.

1.1 Develop the affiliate query interface of the Photon paid Internet third-party service, clarify and implement the data submission content and method, and prepare for the subsequent connection of photon payment with third-party services.

1.2 Continue to carry out the optimization analysis of the Withdraw function of the contract, and logically confirm the consistency of the Photon channel status and third-party service data after the withdrawal of money expires, further improving the Photon user experience.

1.3 Perform dual-offline payment scenarios and related technical analysis, familiarize with technical features, risks, payment processes, and prepare for subsequent comparisons with Photon’s offline payment.

1.4 Discuss the necessity of displaying the channel status page, manage the status information of PFS routing channels, and provide support for subsequent visual design of Photon interaction.


  1. Atmospheric interoperability and preparation of Living Lab.

1.1 Initial set up and testing of the multi-storage node group contiguous environment for the Tahoe project, build a distributed storage application extension function application scenario, and prepare for subsequent cooperation and docking.

1.2 Complete the Tahoe distributed storage client test and application performance evaluation, including: multi-platform client functional verification, distributed file storage performance, storage content update and deletion, etc., to provide a reference for project interoperability verification.

1.3 Communicate distributed storage with big data travel applications, discuss the feasibility of applying distributed storage for trusted data payment in big data custom travel scenarios, and provide a landing idea for LivingLab interoperability challenges.

1.4 Initial preparation for the verification of distributed communication applications, verify the client functions of related projects, and set up a service operating environment to prepare the conditions for the construction of LivingLab infrastructure.

  1. Optimize Photon Network Payment
  2. Cooperate with the MeshBox project to adjust the paid Internet access function.

  1. On December 26, the leaders of the Investment Promotion Bureau of a certain city’s economic development zone visited SmartMesh to communicate about the related projects of the blockchain industrial park. The industrial park formulates the development plan of the blockchain industry with high standards and high starting points to promote the empowerment of the blockchain to the real economy. In the next five years, the park will introduce more than 500 science and technology innovation platforms and blockchain companies, forming a digital economy industry with a total output value of more than 100 billion yuan and a profit and tax of 5 billion yuan. It strives to build the park into a globally influential and national leading blockchain cluster area. The two parties take a satellite communications construction company project as a specific entry point, and hope to form a landing plan as soon as possible by combining the space-ground integrated architecture and the blockchain concept.
  2. Chairman of the SmartMesh Foundation, Mr. Henry Wang, was hired as a Technical Committee member of a Provincial Software Engineering Technology Research Center to participate in assisting the province’s world integration related projects, which will further enrich SmartMesh’s project ecology.

3. This week, the SmartMesh team conducted joint adjustments and system testing with distributed communications companies planning to participate in the Singapore Government Blockchain Interoperability Competition. This distributed communication software is a well-known open source social network. The key difference from traditional social software is that it is decentralized point-to-point communication, that is, not based on a centralized server. The SmartMesh team conducted related mediation and testing on the project, including trials of APP Patchwork, Scuttlebutt P2P connection, private chat, member invitation and other tests.


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