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SmartMesh Biweekly Report(2020.04.25-2020.05.09) – SmartMesh

SmartMesh Biweekly Report(2020.04.25-2020.05.09)

Ms. Wang Yang from APT Mobile Satcom Limited (Shenzhen) (APSTAR) visited SmartMesh’s Beijing office on the 8th of May 2020. APT Mobile Satcom Limited was founded by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and the Ministry of Transportation. This is the first meeting between SmartMesh and APT Mobile Satcom Limited.

APSTAR currently has five satellites in orbit, including Apstar 6, Apstar 7, Apstar 9, Apstar 5C and Apstar 6C. Among them, Apstar 5C was launched in cooperation with SpaceX. The Apstar 6D satellite will be launched in June this year. With a high throughput of 50 Gbps data-rate Apstar 6D has reached new heights in load weight, communication capacity, and sophistication. It has unique capabilities of self-adaptation, self-diagnosis and self-maintenance. Not only does it represent the best technology amongst China ’s communications satellites, it is also one of the most cost-effective satellites in the entire Asia-Pacific region. Due to the highly skillful APT Mobile Satcom Team, APT Mobile Satcom Limited is targeting to provide satellite coverage for more than 75% of the world ’s population, using advanced ground equipment and network facilities, and support value added services to current broadcasters, telecom operators and services worldwide. As satellite internet and blockchain technology are incorporated into the new infrastructure, the two parties have communicated potential cooperation related to the Apstar 6D backbone network. APT Mobile Satcom Limited has also invited SmartMesh CEO, Henry to visit its headquarters in the near future.

The following is the specific work in the past two weeks:

1.Photon optimization related work.

1.1 Completed the design and testing of Photon withdrawal overdue recovery function, modification of the recipient’s message and signature data, and functional testing to further improve the user experience for withdrawals.

1.2 Design of entrusted third-party money withdrawals with preliminary development of third-party entrusted money withdrawal.  PMS, PFS and Photon interactive process grooming and functional decomposition analysis to further improve the scope of PMS entrusted services

1.3 Conducting a comparative analysis of the offline functions of Photon and DCEP, including: whether it is centralized, the risk of secondary transfer, response speed, account / Token paradigm, and supported currency types, etc., to prepare for further improving the off-chain channel payment experience.

1.4 Researching related technology for improving the off-chain user experience program, including: ant routing, off-chain balance routing, multi split payments and channel factory, etc., to provide support for further optimization of the Photon application.

  1. Atmospheric interoperability and Living Lab preparation.

1.1 Analyze SUSS Workshop services in Singapore, evaluate the content of the Afternoon Lab presentation related to Lecture and prepare the preliminary materials to provide support for the follow-up Singapore Living Lab challenge.

1.2 Conducting Atmosphere code and document arrangement, improvement for code annotation, and review Atmosphere architecture description, in preparation for further improving code quality and document specifications.

  1. Communicate with SUSS according to the upcoming DAPP innovation and entrepreneurship activities of the Living Lab and prepare the corresponding materials as well as technology research development.

  1. Singapore Blockchain Living Lab conducted several conference calls regarding the upcoming workshop and DAPP Blockchain Challenge this week. SmartMesh Foundation chairman, Mr Henry Wang and Advisor Dr. Peter Yan, together with other industry experts, will conduct 8 days of Workshop sessions, SmartMesh blockchain technology and related software and hardware products.  Such services will give attendees a good technical and marketing background to help generate ideas for their Blockchain Challenge submission.  There will be two sessions a week, over 4 weeks, each lasting around 6 to 8 hours, after which begins the Singapore University Student Blockchain Challenge Competition. Such workshops and competitions regarding blockchain technology and applications for SUSS teachers and students, will allow the Living Lab to show Singapore and the world the relevance of business, Internet of Things, energy, distributed computing, distributed storage and future internet applications.
  2. SmartMesh Advisor Peter, in dialogue with senior experts who have worked at the Monetary Authority Singapore (MAS) continue to communicate on the Singapore Payment Services License. The relevant details of the current license application are gradually becoming clearer. The legal opinion from the experts is that SmartMesh’s token, SMT, is a Utility Token and is not regulated by MAS. Unless SmartMesh plans to launch an exchange business or Bitcoin-related business in the near future, a PS License is not strictly required. The experts also stated that MAS will not require exchanges to delist projects without a digital currency payment licenses. So long as these projects are not exchange projects or projects involving bitcoin trading, digital currency payment licenses are not required.
  3. Ms. Wang Yang from APT Mobile Satcom Limited (Shenzhen) (APSTAR) visited SmartMesh’s Beijing office on the 8th of May 2020. APT Mobile Satcom Limited was founded by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and the Ministry of Transportation. This is the first meeting between SmartMesh and APT Mobile Satcom Limited. APSTAR currently has five satellites in orbit, including Apstar 6, Apstar 7, Apstar 9, Apstar 5C and Apstar 6C. Among them, Apstar 5C was launched in cooperation with SpaceX. The Apstar 6D satellite will be launched in June this year.

With a high throughput of 50 Gbps data-rate Apstar 6D has reached new heights in load weight, communication capacity, and sophistication. It has unique capabilities of self-adaptation, self-diagnosis and self-maintenance. Not only does it represent the best technology amongst China ’s communications satellites, it is also one of the most cost-effective satellites in the entire Asia-Pacific region. Due to the highly skillful APT Mobile Satcom Team, APT Mobile Satcom Limited is targeting to provide satellite coverage for more than 75% of the world ’s population, using advanced ground equipment and network facilities, and support value added services to current broadcasters, telecom operators and services worldwide. As satellite internet and blockchain technology are incorporated into the new infrastructure, the two parties have communicated potential cooperation related to the Apstar 6D backbone network. APT Mobile Satcom Limited has also invited SmartMesh CEO, Henry to visit its headquarters in the near future.


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