President of Singapore Fintech, Mr. Chia Hock Lai, Joined the SmartMesh Foundation as an Advisor

At the same time, Mr. Chia Hock Lai invited SmartMesh Foundation to join the Singapore Fintech Association. He said that the Singapore Association is not only focused on finance, but should pay greater attention to the development of cutting-edge technology. He hopes that Mr. Henry Wang and MeshBox CEO Dr. Peter Yan can come together as part of the Emerging Technology SubCommittee.

Mr. Chia Hock Lai (right), SFQ and Mr. Henry Wang, SmartMesh Foundation


On May 31, 2019, the Singapore Fintech Association announced the establishment of the SFA Reg-Tech Subcommittee to promote the invention and adoption of technologies to help Singapore achieve better regulatory outcomes. SFA also signed a memorandum of cooperation with Asian Development Bank (ADB) to create the “Digital Innovation Fintech Sandbox Program”.

Mr. Chia is also Chairman of the Token Economy Association (TEA). Mr. Chia has over 20 years of experience in the financial and technology industry. As a firm practitioner of collaboration and connectivity, Mr. Chia defines SFA and TEA as platforms designed to facilitate collaboration between all market participants and stakeholders in the FinTech ecosystem and engage members with multiple stakeholders to find solutions to issues.

Thank you for your long-term support and love for SmartMesh!

Please stay tuned to the official announcement for more information.

August 14, 2019 (SGT)

SmartMesh Foundation

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