Has Upgraded SmartMesh(SMT) To Mainnet.

At 23:09 on September 4, 2018, exchange issued an announcement supporting the SmartMesh public chain Spectrum mapping. The full text is as follows:

According to the official information of SmartMesh, the SmartMesh main chain “spectrum chain” has been online and stable. has begun to support SMT spectrum chain assets and upgrades SMT assets to spectrum chain assets for all SMT users in a 1:1 ratio. The original SMT tokens based on Ethereum will be sent back to the official spectrum chain assets. At present, the SMT spectrum chain recharge has been opened, and the withdrawal function will be activated after the test is stable. supports the conversion of the original SMT token to the SMT asset of the spectrum chain for users outside the platform. If you have the original SMT token and wish to redeem it as a primary asset, you can recharge to the platform via the link below.

At present, the exchange supports Ethereum token SMT and public chain SMT recharge, please pay attention to the recharge address when friends recharge, so as not to be mistakenly charged and unable to retrieve, causing unnecessary losses.

With the release of the official announcement of the gate, SMT holders and smartMesh followers responded enthusiastically in the community, and the action was positive, and the mapping work progressed very smoothly.

Finally, thank you for your long-term support for SmartMesh! For more details, please continue to pay attention to the official announcement of SmartMesh.

September 5, 2018

SmartMesh foundation

*All times in this announcement refer to Singapore Time.

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