SmartMesh Weekly(2019.04.01–2019.04.05)

This week’s weekly news doesn’t have fancy words, and there are no pretty pictures. On 30th March, 31 fire fighters heroes in the forest fires in Liangshan, Sichuan, sacrificed their lives.

We mourn the heros with our deepest gratitude and sadness. This is a heavy hearted list. There are always people who are determined to stick to the end. There are always people who go against the fire. These firefighting heroes use their lifes to protect us.


Updates for the week

Spectrum’s public chain has been running stably for nearly a year from online since April 30, 2018. We plan to perform a hard fork upgrade on the public chain in June 2019. The main functions of this upgrade include:

(1) Open the function of the ordinary node of non-MeshBox, the ordinary node can participate in the block and enjoy the same authority as the MeshBox node by pledge a certain amount of SMT;

(2) Increasing the binding function of the block node wallet, the user mining reward income directly enters the personal wallet address bound by the user’s outbound node, and improves the security of the asset by separating the block node wallet and the income wallet;

(3) Optimized the logic of the block contract and improved the robustness of the network; Through this hard-forked Spectrum, the security and user experience can be better improved, and prepare for the new technology such as sharding are provided.

Spectrum updates:

1. Perception Network: Continue to study the code of Filecoin and design the first round of MeshBox’s network functions.

1.1. Determine the goals and workflow of the neighbor discovery service.

1.2. Determine the objectives and workflow of the topology connectivity service.

1.3. Designed a redundant backup scheme in the process of topology connectivity.

1.4. The libp2p migration logic on the Mesh network based on physical distance is being verified.

1.5. Determine the application, work, and reward process of the storage node.

2. Spectrum public chain:

2.1 re-adjusted the branch structure of the code on github.

2.2 Complete the development work of version 0.6.0 and enter the system test phase.

1. Photon1.1 off-internet payment performance optimization and new version planning work.

1.1 Complete the automatic detection design of IP switching in Photon without internet, aiming at the IP change design and processing mechanism of different mobile devices during hotspot switching, and improve the stability of networkless communication.

1.2 Perform Photon off-internet transaction optimisation to fix the bug that the direct channel transaction fails when there are multiple IP addresses in the network in off-internet status.

1.3 When the transit transaction is completed, the validity and detection of the public link connection are detected. The public link validity detection is performed for the intermediate node and the receiving node, and the Mediated Transfer is refused when the public link is invalid.

1.4 Complete the internal design adjustment of the deploy deployment tool. By default, the SMT token is deployed, so to facilitate the deployment of Photon by third-party.

1.5 Carry out the new version of Photon automatic network switching planning, discuss the off-internet status recognition condition and message processing mechanism in the process of automatic network switching, and carry out internal demonstration.

  1. 6 Complete the comparative analysis of Photon features, sort out the features of Photon, and compare and analyze with other state channel technologies to facilitate developers’ targeted selection.

1. Distributed Notarization Open Nonce Negotiation Mechanism Implementation and BTC Introduce Cross-Chain Design Preparation

1.1 Continue to implement distributed Nonce negotiation and cross-chain demonstration integration, unify the Nonce negotiation and signature negotiation message interaction process, and set the corresponding message update policy when the main notarization node switches.

1.2 Perform distributed notarization Nonce negotiation and signature negotiation stability test, verify the success rate of negotiating Nonce and signature transactions, analyze possible anomalies and discuss case scenario design.

1.3 Conduct a BTC cross-chain notarisation public system procedure discussion, analyze block time coordination in the bitcoin cross-chain process, UTXO model design, expired transaction mode and multi-chain concurrent sequence selection, and adjust existing process plans.

1.4 Carry out BTC cross-chain test chain construction and interface adaptation work, introduce existing applicable interfaces according to BTC cross-chain requirements, and conduct preliminary analysis of new functional interfaces.

The version of Photon network off-internet test for joint adjustment, cancels the off-internet manual switch payment, and increases the logic judgment and system reminder of multiple states of the network.

The layout of the wallet interface was modified in the revised design.

1. The Spectrum chain Dapp game developer cooperation plan will be launched in the near future.

2. WeChat small program traffic currently in dividend period, the Spectrum chain Dapp is currently developing a general blockchain applet tool, in the future will be very convenient to develop Dapp on the Spectrum blockchain.

  1. On April 1st, SmartMesh’s team in the Philippines met with the University of the Philippines’ Urban Planning Institute. The two sides hope to deploy Smart Mesh and MeshBox technologies in their upcoming new urban planning college. The University of the Philippines is the best university in the Philippines, and the University’s School of Urban Planning is responsible for the delivery of talent for urban planning and construction in the Philippines. The SmartMesh and MeshBox technologies are deployed in the newly completed buildings of the College. The academic community will showcase new network architectures and network deployment methods, and provide better network services for the colleges, and will have a profound impact on the future urban planning of the Philippines.

2. The Huob1 global station will shut down the old currency topup business of SMT. On 3rd April, Huob1 issued an announcement that SMT has been completed and the old coins have been converted into new ones. After communicating with the project side, Huob1 Global Station decided to close the SMT old currency topup business at 18:00 on April 4, but the topup business of the new currency will not be affected. Please users and friends before going to Huob1 topup, please make sure that your SMT is mapped to the completed public chain Token, so as to avoid the loss of digital assets caused by Huob1 not supporting the old currency. If you have been stored in a third-party wallet such as Imtoken, please download the official wallet and import the SMT into the official wallet to apply for mapping. SmartMesh APP download link:

3. The “Community Node” of the SMT & MESH Operations Department was officially launched on April 4. This community node plan is launched and is divided into three parts:

1. The first batch of community nodes was formally established, and 10 users were awarded the honorary title of “SMT&MESH Team Community Node” and officially started to assist the operation team in related operations. The users of the 10 elected community nodes are the core fans of the SMT&MESH project. The willingness to help the development of the SMT&MESH project is very strong. Currently, it is mainly responsible for assisting the project promotion work in the WeChat community;

2. With the launch of the “Community Nodes” program, the SMT&MESH team launched the [SMT Red Packets] activity to the entire community. WeChat clicks to receive SMT tokens, and WeChat community users actively participated in the event;

3. The operation team arranged to allocate 10 “community node” users, and settled in 10 pilot WeChat groups to carry out official management community and community promotion.

4. MeshBox’s CTO Mr. Peter Yan, on behalf of SmartMesh and MeshBox, was invited to participate in the GSMA (Global System Mobile Association) summit in Europe. The main topic of the summit is the future solutions in the IoT field and the integration of 5G and Mesh.

*The time mentioned in the article is Singapore time Learn about SmartMesh’s weekly updates, keep an eye on SmartMesh Weekly!

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